Charles Gray

Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Montana State University

Dynamics of Distributed Cortical Processing

It is well established that perceptual and cognitive processes involve the coordinated activity of large populations of neurons distributed over multiple cortical regions. However, we remain surprisingly ignorant of the spatio-temporal organization of these processes, their underlying neuronal mechanisms, and their relation to behavior. This gap in understanding stems largely from the complex and non-stationary nature of distributed cortical activity and from technical limitations in our ability to make appropriate electrophysiological measurements. In my presentation, I will present new experimental findings, from large scale multi-electrode recordings in macaque monkeys, that provide insight into the dynamics of cortico-cortical interactions during visual perception and visual working memory.




Azouz R, Gray CM (2008) Stimulus-selective spiking is driven by the relative timing of synchronous excitation and disinhibition in cat striate neurons in vivo. Eur J Neurosci 28:1286-300


Gray CM, Goodell B, Lear A (2007) Multichannel micromanipulator and chamber system for recording multineuronal activity in alert, non-human primates. J Neurophysiol 98:527-36